Protección procesal del crédito transfronterizo en la Unión Europea: propuesta de orden de embargo de activos bancarios

Palabras clave
cooperación judicial civil, protección transfronteriza del crédito, orden europea de embargo de activos bancarios, medidas cautelares, derecho procesal civil comunitario.
La protección del crédito transfronterizo es uno de los objetivos que a través de la cooperación judicial civil pretende lograr la Unión Europea para consolidar y garantizar el buen funcionamiento del mercado interior comunitario. Dentro de los instrumentos normativos que con esta finalidad ha creado la Unión Europea nos encontramos ahora con la propuesta de elaboración de una «orden europea de embargo de activos bancarios » como genuina medida cautelar dirigida a tratar de asegurar el cobro de una deuda nacida de una relación civil o comercial transfronteriza. El trabajo analiza desde una perspectiva crítica y constructiva el planteamiento y diseño que de la orden europea de embargo presentó el Libro Verde sobre una mayor eficacia en la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales en la Unión Europea: embargo de activos bancarios, de 24 de octubre de 2006, conjugando sus repercusiones de derecho comunitario y de derecho procesal. Se plantea en definitiva el diseño de un procedimiento para la obtención de una medida cautelar comunitaria, de eficacia transfronteriza, destinada a bloquear el saldo que el deudor tenga en cuentas corrientes bancarias a su nombre en cualquier Estado miembro de la Unión Europea.
judicial cooperation in civil matters, european system for the attachment of bank accounts, freezing orders, civil european procedural law.
The takings of measures to improve and simplify the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial cases have been taken to fulfil the aim of establishing a genuine European area of justice. In this way the European Union has adopted some protective measures to improve solutions to the problems of cross-borders debt-recovery. One of them, called as «European attachment of bank accounts», tries to avoid that debtors are able to move their monies out of accounts known to their creditors into other accounts in the same or another Member State, and permit creditors to be able to block these movements of monies through provisional remedies, which secure the future enforcement of a monetary claim by freezing bank accounts. The current legislation does not ensure that such remedies are recognized and enforced throughout the European Union. A possible solution to the problems of debt-recovery outlined above would be to
create a European system for the attachment of bank accounts which allows a creditor, in certain circumstances, to secure the payment of a sum of money due to him by preventing the removal or transfer of funds held to the credit of his debtor in one or several bank accounts within the territory of the European Union. Taking into account the Commission’s «Green Paper on improving the efficiency of the enforcement of judgments in the European Union: the attachment of bank accounts» (2006) that puts forward a pre-legislative proposal for the attachment of bank accounts to prevent the removal of funds held to the creditors claim from his debtor’s bank account while the creditor is awaiting the recognition of his enforceable judgment or title. We analyse the scope of the problems of crossborder debt recovery and the likely effectiveness of this new European instrument.