Library and Archive

Documentation, Library and Archive department

The Documentation, Library and Archive department aims to manage literary, documentary and informative resources guarded by the Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, in order to provide literary and documentary support to teachers, researchers, Public Administration staff and other interested users when using these resources.
This department is divided into two sub-departments:





Library of Social, Legal and Economic Science for Public Administration and Public Ministry

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Amongst other measures, the Royal Decree 521/2015 established a cooperative management process between libraries in the CEPC, IEF, INAP and CEJ, allowing ease the process of localization and access to legislative, jurisprudential, political, economic and administrative texts.


The product of this collaboration was the  Biblioteca de Ciencias Sociales, Jurídicas y Económicas de la Administración Pública y del Ministerio Público whose misión it is to bring together in one place literary, documentary and informative resources from the four institutions, providing support both to the staff of the different Public Administrations and other interested parties.

New public prices in Library and Documentation

From 1st July 2017, the CEPC will now offer two different methods for printing, scanning and photocopying:

-          Ordered reprographics

-          Self-service reprographics

Each method will have a different price per copy, the details of which are available in the below document.

New public prices in Library and Documentation

From 1st July 2017, the CEPC will now offer two different methods for printing, scanning and photocopying:

-          Ordered reprographics

-          Self-service reprographics

Each method will have a different price per copy, the details of which are available in the below document.


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Resolución del 11 de mayo de 2017

Usuarios sin vinculación con el CEPC

Cualquier ciudadano puede visitar la Sala de Lectura y consultar los recursos del Área de Documentación, Biblioteca y Archivo siempre que atienda a las normas vigentes de funcionamiento del CEPC y que mantenga una actitud correcta y cívica.

Existen ciertas restricciones de servicios, tanto para usuarios presenciales como usuarios telemáticos, cuyo detalle puede consultarse en el documento adjunto.