Palabras clave
Los países en desarrollo se debaten entre el autoritarismo y la democracia
entre el Estado autocrático y el Estado de Derecho
es urgente crear el Estado de Derecho.
Esta es la segunda parte de un trabajo que se me ha encomendado sobre la Jurisdicción y la Justicia Constitucional en El Salvador; la primera, apareció en el Anuario núm. 11. El tema principal en esta oportunidad está relacionado con las posibilidades reales de esta clase de justicia en un país como El Salvador, de acuerdo a su desarrollo social, político, económico y cultural. En este ensayo se pretende que los lectores interesados se ubiquen en su centro geográfico, histórico, político y jurídico; puestos ahí, la pregunta clave es la siguiente: ¿es El Salvador un Estado de Derecho? Si lo es, su justicia constitucional también lo será; si no lo es, el reto es para los salvadoreños, construirlo, y para el resto del mundo, ayudar para que se construya.
Developing countries debate between authoritarianism and democracy; between the autocratic State and the rule of law. Creating the rule of law is an urgent task.
This is the second part of a commissioned study into Constitutional Justice and
Jurisdiction in El Salvador. The first came out in Anuario 11. The main theme in this
part is the real possibilities of this kind of justice in a country like El Salvador, with
respect to its social, political, economic and cultural development. The essay aims to
help readers to locate the subject-matter within its geographical, historical, political and legal context. Having done so, the following question arises: Is El Salvador a State under the rule of law? If it si, its constitutional justice will also be. If it is not, then its inhabitants have a challenge before them in building up the rule of law, as does the rest of the world, in helping them do so.
Jurisdiction in El Salvador. The first came out in Anuario 11. The main theme in this
part is the real possibilities of this kind of justice in a country like El Salvador, with
respect to its social, political, economic and cultural development. The essay aims to
help readers to locate the subject-matter within its geographical, historical, political and legal context. Having done so, the following question arises: Is El Salvador a State under the rule of law? If it si, its constitutional justice will also be. If it is not, then its inhabitants have a challenge before them in building up the rule of law, as does the rest of the world, in helping them do so.